In the words of Bezwada Wilson,

The state must see that the law enforcing agencies are functioning. I must say that very clearly, these (deaths) are murders by the state.

The literal meaning of ‘manual scavenging’ is manual labour involving carrying and moving of human excreta. The conventional meaning of the same was understood in the context of manual labour practicing carrying and removing excreta from dry latrines, whereas, after the inclusion of modernization of sanitation technologies, there has been an inclusion of unsafe cleaning which has assumed new forms of manual scavenging, such as unsafe cleaning of septic tanks, drainage systems and sewer line in urban and rural cities.Even after the enactment ofseverallegislations, there has been a void, which can only be filled by proper implantation and improving social conditions.

There have been several variants in the contextual understanding of manual scavengers.There are three forms of manual scavenging in India which are propounded by the International Labour Organisation which are firstly, manual removal and carrying of human excreta secondly, cleaning of sewage tanks and thirdly, cleaning gutters and sewers. There have been several problems related to manual scavenging which were documented by the Indian Council of Medical Research ranging from several medical conditions related to manual scavenging including such as infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal conditions, which can be highly fatal attributing to carbon monoxide and methane poisoning, especially when most manual scavengers work without any protective equipment.

The Role of Judiciary and Legislations

The problem is of a two-fold nature, firstly policy making and secondly proper execution of the same. Human Rights watchdog had re-iterated that the World Health Organisation has asserted the need for manual scavenging but there has not a translation into any certain reasonable form. The nature of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has largely remained evasive of widened health problems which call for action on social detriments of health envisaged by though the National Health Policy (2017).


The Union Government brought into force the "Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act" in the year 1993, which did away with the employment of manual scavengersfor the purpose of dry latrines. What followed the measure was the introduction of  "Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013", to underline the pressing need of rehabilitating manual scavengers within the context of prohibiting employment of manual scavengers.In 2014, the Supreme Court envisaged directives as for the fulfillment of the objectives laid in earlier legislations w.r.t end manual scavenging.The law also focused on increasing punishment for manual scavenging and rehabilitation of those who were involved in the occupation. The Apex Court observed in Safai Karamchari Andolan and Ors. Vs. Union of India and Ors that the abhorrent practice of manual scavenging negates international human rights and is strictly ordered to put an end to the said practice. In addition,"In no country, people are sent to gas chambers to die," observed the Apex Court of the country while taking note of the practice of manual scavenging in 2019.

To put an end to the practice of manual scavenging, the said Act has various provisions for stringent penalties, for any form of employment in hazardous cleaning undertaken by any person& the same is made punishable. In addition, if a worker dies while performing such hazardous work above mentioned, even with various safety gears, the employer is legally obliged to pay compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the legal heirs of the worker.

Even after stringent provisions, there is hardly any action being witnessed on the round – not a single FIR was filed in 2014, according to the 57thStanding Committee of Social Justice and Empowerment, 2017-2018. The reports of the parliamentary standing committee in 2017-18, citing that the support to the manual scavengers has been atrociously inadequate so far. The problem with manual scavenging isn’t an urban challenge, as the pertinent fact is that the situation of rural sanitation be also taken into consideration.The Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry in response to a question about the deaths of manual scavengers informed that 340 people had died while cleaning sewers and septic tanks in the past five years.

The democratic society consists of a legal system that vehemently endorses unequivocally the idea of civil and political freedoms which are in paramount nature necessarily accompanied by the notion of social freedom and economic rights. Since the inception ofthe 1980s, the Indian judiciary via observations and judgmentwhich expanded the right to life guaranteed in Article 21 of the Indian Constitution into a right to life with dignity.

The duty is of the state to protect the manual scavengers without compromising their constitutional accountability. Article 51 of the Indian Constitution embodies Directive Principles of State Policy, which makes it incumbent upon the State to foster respect for treaties & international law. The right to healthy, safe & secure conditions of work has been protected under the Constitution. Indian Constitution expresses unfeigned concern for the welfare of workers and has stipulated in Article 42 that the State shall undertake steps for securing just and humane conditions of work. Further, Article 43 expounds an obligation that the State shall endeavour to secure to all workers a decent standard of life, including enjoyment; leisure, etc.

These principles are decisive fundamentals in the governance of the country & were upheld in U.P.S.E. Board v Hari Shankar; D.B.M. Patnaik v State of AP Consequently, India is bestowed with the responsibility of ensuring the right to work, to just and favourable conditions of work, right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay, right to life, social protection & protection against the torturous treatment as per the sanction of Article 3, 5, 23 & 24 of the UDHR. Further, ICCPR directs the state parties to protect the inherent right to life, protection from torturous or degrading treatment directed by Article 6 &7, which can’t be curtailed even during the pubic emergency as provided by Article 4 of the convention. Article 9 further protects the security of the person. Similarly, ICESCR recognizes the human right of everyone to the enjoyment of favourable & just conditions of work, in particular: healthy; safe working conditions, leisure, rest and periodic holidays with pay and, reasonable limitation of working hours as well as remuneration for public holidays, right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; to ensure steps with regard to prevention; control of occupational diseases as per Article 7 &12 of the convention.

These rights are expressly recognized in international conventions and agreements which India has ratified, including the UDHR, ICESCR, and ICCPR. India has a constitutional mandate to honour these internationally recognized Principles &Rules.India is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Supreme Court upheld that right to life about human rights has to be interpreted in conformity with established internation allaws &principles. 3 Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 7 (b) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights have been duly recognized by the Supreme Court while safeguarding the right to health by a worker.In the process, the scope of Article 21 enunciating “right to life” has been rightfully enlarged, bestowing an incumbent duty on the executive to act proactively against the abhorrent practice.

Common Problems Faced by Manual Scavengers

Manual scavenging is exploitative in nature as, the form prevalent in our society is of forced labour as people enter into this practice without their respective choice or assent, and leaving isn’t an economically viable option because leaving the employment manual scavenging leaves the workers with no choice of alternate employment but to return to their work and those, who are able to find alternate employment are facing harassment.

There is a need to broader the meaning, as in to accommodate every employment which has proximity with manual scavenging such as toilet cleaners, formal or informal and caretakers who’re subcontracted in domestic, public or even institutional settings, wherein workers working at faecal waste treatment and disposal sites, emptying pits and septic tanks and other. Broadly they also include faecal sludge handlers who clean sewer and manholes that's called manual scavengers.

Several problems are being faced by the workers, but common accidents are a noxious repercussion of accidents which are reported included losing consciousness and death by asphyxiation resulting from the gases which are toxic in nature and are released in septic tanks and sewers, and wounds from sharp detritus. Poor sanitation is linked to 4,32,000 deaths annually across the length & breadth of the country.The workers, who are indulged in manual scavenging regardless of being subcontracted in the formal or informal sector, they’re not provided with protective gear. This results in endless suffering of miseries for scavengers in the form medical condition, which includes fever, fatigue, cholera, typhoid, asthma, polio, hepatitis, skin burn or irritation.They’re also prone to skin and respiratory tract infections, because of the higher degree of proximity to working conditions.

The number is not conclusive in nature as they are typically not classified distinctly but, are majorly in aggregate form i.e., there is no disaggregated number as to cite the number of deaths in a different type of employment wherein the field of concern is modern scavenging in any form, above mentioned in the article. Example:  There can be a quantification of the workforce by aggregating municipal workers with solid waste management workers.

There are several problems even after excluding social stigma, there is labour exploitation with mere remuneration and even, causing life long health risk and problems which are totally fatal in nature, as occupation health is being side-lined as workers are working without proper protection, under unjust working condition.

Although it is completely irrefutable, as the established fact is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has made unprecedented and positive behavioural and infrastructural changes with regard to the campaign promoting the usage of toilets but at the same time, there is a need for more substantial effort to substantially reduce manual scavenging. Therefore, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at the policy level has addressed the core issue such as accessibility to toilets, but on a critical note, ignoring those cleaning them.


A detailed & comprehensive report released by World Health Organisation (WHO) deduced that despite several  laws and regulations, the practice of manual scavenging, contrary to the popular belief has not been eliminated from the country but has been forced underground.

The cases of manual scavengers forced the government to bring in new and more comprehensive legislation in 2013 i.e., The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act which was inclusive of several developing doctrines and principles, being evolving in the problem of the forced labour in manual scavenging. Many principles evolved, one of them was an established principle for compensation of Rs. 10 Lakh by the court, which was payable to each for the sewer death since 1993 in addition, the legislation also established the accountability of the state even though the worker was employed or contracted by the state, or not their state shall be responsible for payment of compensation. This was very significant considering that the major worker population indulged in state-provided sewage (or equivalent) services were being not accounted for, thereby no accountability and responsibility was established.

Conclusively, in the contemporary-socio issues,several problems are to be addressed by stringent law & action accordingly. Manual scavenging is one such problem which neither desired in unsafe working conditions nor be employed for a high-risk job. These jobs are where the dominantly employed in the unorganized market which is temporary in job protection. In addition, the workers who are unprotected by law with the basic working condition not being par at requisite conditions.

(Kumar Aditya and Devashish Tiwari are law students of JIMS School of Law)

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